Tolerance in the Bible Belt

Islam in the Bible Belt (pt. two) "Fear can make nice people act bad," said Ashfaq Taufique, president of the Birmingham Islamic Society. Taufique took the afternoon to reflect on the history of Muslims in the Birmingham community. He has reason to believe Muslims have been residing in the city since the 60s. The first … Continue reading Tolerance in the Bible Belt

The Most and Least Tolerant States

The Daily Beast did a ranking on how tolerant different states were back in 2011. They looked at the number of hate crimes through the FBI, the number of complaints of discrimination with the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, the percentage of residents that support same-sex marriage, and the percentages of various religions … Continue reading The Most and Least Tolerant States

Scientology Explained Founder The Church of Scientology was founded in 1954, based on the teachings of an American author named L. Ron Hubbard. "Lafayette" Ronald Hubbard was born on March 13, 1911, in Tilden, Nebraska. Creation of the World "In Scientology,  the theory of theta (the life force, or spirit) creating MEST (a coined word for the physical universe, Matter, Energy, Space and Time). … Continue reading Scientology Explained

Common Misconceptions About Religion

A simple question was asked on the HuffPost Religion Facebook page: "if they could get rid of one misconception about their religious or secular tradition, what would it be?" The following are some of the answers they received. 1. Belief does not equal faith. 2. Atheists are not anti-religion. 3. All Christians are like not like ones you see … Continue reading Common Misconceptions About Religion

Islam in the Bible Belt (pt. one)

The Service  The halls fill with shuffling feet, quick greetings and a somber singing voice that calls out over the speaker system bleeding into every room in the building. Men and women separate to opposite ends of the building and place shoes along shelving that lines the walls. Men file into the largest section of the room allowing them … Continue reading Islam in the Bible Belt (pt. one)